travel united states california pasadena gamble house


Greene and Greene residential architecture is unmatched in it's detail and craftsmanship.
The woodwork and stained glass is the most beautiful I have ever seen anywhere.
As a member of the Pasadena Foothill Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, one of our privelidges was
that we could hold some of our meetings here.

2007+ -

This location has earned a five star rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited

unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Front elevation, Gamble House, Pasadena, California - 2007

Side elevation, Gamble House, Pasadena, California - 2007

Entry door, Gamble House, Pasadena, California - 2007

Lantern, Gamble House, Pasadena, California - 2007

Balcony detail, Gamble House, Pasadena, California - 2007

copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised april 2015